Jump onboard the Baby Boge train!We are taking advantage of BASE going viral to build a fun community and give back to man's best friend!
100,000,000 Total Supply
Contract Renounced
Liquidity Locked
0% Total TaxContract Address: 0x1f982f63B5Bff28865BE60BA0cbbe82692DAef5f
Baby Boge is committed to giving back, with a percentage of every transaction directed to Dogs Trust, a leading charity in animal welfare. Baby Boge supports Dogs Trust's vital work in rescuing and caring for dogs in need. By partnering with Dogs Trust, Baby Boge aims to make a positive impact on the lives of dogs.
Road Map
Our goal here is to build a community therefore we will always be giving full transparency on future steps.
Launch Token
Apply To All Platforms (Coin Gecko etc)
Grow Community
New Site With More Transparency
Much More (you will find out soon...)
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